
Deputy Foreign Minister met with the Ambassador of Romania

      O‘zbekiston Respublikasi tashqi ishlar vaziri o‘rinbosari G‘ayrat Fozilov Ruminiyaning Favqulodda va Muxtor Elchisi Daniyel Kristian Chobanu bilan uchrashuv o‘tkazdi.
Deputy Foreign Minister met with the Ambassador of Romania
Yayın: 17 Ağustos 2023 SİYASET Google News













/ .2023







Deputy Foreign Minister met with the Ambassador of Romania





On August 10, 2023, Deputy Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan Gayrat Fozilov met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Romania Daniel Cristian Ciobanu.






During the conversation, the parties discussed the current state of Uzbekistan-Romanian relations and priority areas of their further development. They paid particular attention to building up direct ties between business communities.





They also considered the schedule and organizational aspects of upcoming joint events in bilateral and multilateral formats, as well as the issues of interaction between the two countries within the framework of international organizations.

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Son Güncelleme: 17 Ağustos 2023