
The panel sessions were held within the international conference on “Qizilbash Heritage in Azerbaijan: in the footsteps of history”

  “Azərbaycanda Qızılbaş İrsi:tarixin izi ilə”mövzusunda beynəlxalq konfransın panel iclasları keçirilib<a href="https://t.
The panel sessions were held within the international conference on “Qizilbash Heritage in Azerbaijan: in the footsteps of history”
Yayın: 01 Aralık 2023 Bugün, GÜNDEM Google News




The panel sessions were held within the international conference on “Qizilbash Heritage in Azerbaijan: in the footsteps of history”



The panel sessions were held within the international conference on “Qizilbash Heritage in Azerbaijan: in the footsteps of history”




Conference “Kyzilbash Heritage in Azerbaijan: in the footsteps of history”, held through the joint efforts of Fund for Support to Azerbaijani Diaspora and Qizilbash Global Heritage Organization continued its work with panel sessions.




The first panel discussion of the conference was devoted to the topic “Azerbaijan as the historical homeland of the Qizilbash”. Historian-researcher Ahmet Tashghin (Turkiye), political and state officer Agha Sarvar Raza Qazilbaş (Pakistan), the department head of the Institute of History named after A.Bakikhanov of ANAS doctor of historical sciences, professor Tofig Najafli and global head of Google’s accelerators team Sami Qizilbash participated in the panel discussion moderated by Arshi Qizilbash (Canada), the executive director of the world-famous “Delta Health Group” Holding.

The second panel session, devoted to the topic of “World Qizilbash Community Towards the Unity”, was moderated by Babak Huseynli, co-chairman of the Qizilbash Global Heritage Organization. An employee of Institute of History of ANAS, Phd in history Ahmed Guliyev, Member Provincial Assembly of the Punjab Agha Ali Hayder, Managing Partner at “Islamabad Consulting” Zulfiqar Ali Qazilbaş (ABŞ), coordinator of Qızılbash Global Heritage Organization for Afghanistan and China Ali Mansoor Afshar (Afghanistan) delivered speeches.




Both panel sessions ended with answering questions.

Later, the guests visited the Heydar Aliyev Center.

It should be noted that the international conference was held in accordance with the activity plan of events to be held in the Republic of Azerbaijan within the framework of the “Year of Heydar Aliyev”.








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Son Güncelleme: 01 Aralık 2023