Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Day

Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Day

  Visiting the Embassy to congratulate on Independence Dayhttps://t.co/6J6kkSfs7D pic.twitter.com/547BxNrcwN — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) September 6, 2023     Visiting the Embassy to congrat...

A group of journalists from the United States visited Ganja

A group of journalists from the United States visited Ganja

    #Amerikalı jurnalistlər Gəncəni ziyarət ediblər📌 https://t.co/vQ2mMkgemP A group of journalists from the United States visited #Ganja📌 https://t.co/CRfEwG550M Aмериканские журналисты побывали в #...

A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam

A group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam

    Bir qrup amerikalı jurnalist və media eksperti Ağdama səfər edib📌https://t.co/DwzzeWqICzA group of journalists from the United States visited Aghdam📌https://t.co/SEUuRYFAqtГруппа американских жур...

The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland

The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland

  The Ambassador of Tajikistan visited the federal state of Saarland https://t.co/N4PbMckhqg pic.twitter.com/dCwMpWkiyi — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) February 11, 2023     The Ambassador of Ta...