Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye

Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye

    Press Release Regarding the Recommendation and Resolution Adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Türkiye https://t.co/0aWGHn3ugX pic.twitter.com/hFTIeZv013 — Turkish MF...

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proposed by the Republic of Tajikistan

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proposed by the Republic of Tajikistan

  The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proposed by the Republic of Tajikistanhttps://t.co/59cl7MAUmC pic.twitter.com/wAzbenL43D — MFA Tajikistan (@MOFA_Tajikistan) September 5, 20...

Press Release Regarding United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2674 (2023) on the Extension of the Mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Island of Cyprus

Press Release Regarding United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2674 (2023) on the Extension of the Mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Island of Cyprus

Press Release Regarding United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 2674 (2023) on the Extension of the Mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Island of Cyprus https://t.co/ypxfrU89CL pic.twit...